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HomeService Request Limits

Are there any limits to getting assistance?

For most assistance we don't have specific limits. Availability of a volunteer can be a limit of sorts. We don't do weekly things like lawn care, house care, or the like. But we have done some other things weekly. We generally say ask for what you need and if we can, we'll try to make it happen. We do limit any particular request to 3 hours.

For transportation, we consider our assistance as one piece of the solution, so we know we can't meet all a person's driving needs. And we give priority to rides to medical appointments. Most members use this occasionally and we can meet those requests. Sometimes people have a short-time need for more intensity -- we will try to provide up to 4 rides/week for 1-3 weeks. For instance, we were able to take someone to physical therapy several times/week for a couple of weeks.  If you need more than 2 rides/week on a longer term basis, we'll help you find other resources to supplement what we do.

Our approach is that we're not a "service" but a supportive group. We'll do what we can and that generally works out. Requests on the weekend, super early or late at night are harder to fill. Yet, we generally can find someone to pick up a member arriving at the Bellingham airport at midnight!